Marleen Roozen

Hi. My name is:

Marleen Roozen

Program Officer (Hydrogen, Heat)

+31 6 4225 2892

Throughout her career, Marleen Roozen has consistently strived towards leaving a meaningful impact on society. After completing her bachelor’s degree at the University of Utrecht, her drive to make a positive difference in the world led her to the National University of Ireland, Galway, where she obtained a Master of Laws (LLM) in Public International Human Rights Law. Hereafter, Marleen’s commitment to the cause of human rights led her far beyond European borders. Moving to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Marleen took on the role of Project Manager at the NGO a UNHCR program.

Her international experiences, understanding of contemporary societal issues and her drive to advocate for a more sustainable planet, eventually led her to ISPT, where she takes on the role of Program Officer for our Hydrogen Program. “I originally started in the development aid sector, where I primarily worked with refugees, focusing on their transition resettlement. Upon returning to the Netherlands, I found a new position as a Program Officer in the context of the human right to water and sanitation at Simavi. Here, I was introduced to working with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This experience  piqued my interest in addressing the broader field climate change.”  

The whole is greater than the sum of the parts

Marleen Roozen, Program Officer Hydrogen

Marleen’s interest specifically grew in the energy transition and the goal of working towards a clean, low-carbon energy system. “The Netherlands is very progressive in this regard. I saw this as an opportunity to tackle a major global issue, but closer to home. When the chance presented to work for ISPT, I decided to seize it. It aligns with my personal goal of working towards a more sustainable society, as well as with my experience of working as a Program Officer.” 

“My primary goal in this role is to ensure that everyone’s voice is heard. I strongly believe that the hydrogen economy can only be realized through collaboration, which means everyone should get a chance to demonstrate their strengths and added value. In my previous jobs, I learned that solutions can sometimes emerge from unexpected sources. This holds true for the energy transition as well: ultimately, it’s the people you work with who make the difference.” 

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