The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) are 17 goals to make the world fairer and more sustainable by 2030. They were developed by the United Nations (UN) to help organizations to give substance to sustainability.
At the Institute for Sustainable Process Technology (ISPT) we mainly focus on:

SDG 6 – Clean water and sanitation
This SDG ensures availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.
Read more about the Clean water and sanitation.

SDG 7 – Affordable and sustainable energy
The development and use of energy saving technologies and renewable energy sources are an essential way to reduce energy consumption and dependence on fossil fuels. This SDG ensures access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy. This has a positive effect on prosperity worldwide.
Read more about Affordable and sustainable energy.

SDG 9 – Industry, innovation and infrastructure
This SDG aims to improve mobility and infrastructure, and reduce its disadvantages – such as loss of time due to traffic jams, unsafe traffic and pressure on the environment. Businesses also need to innovate and become more sustainable.
Read more about Industry, innovation and infrastructure.

SDG 12 – Responsible consumption and production
This SDG is all about sustainable production and consumption, with a more efficient use of raw materials, reducing the pressure on the environment and reducing our dependence on those raw materials.
Read more about Responsible consumption and production

SDG 13 – Climate action
SDG 13 aimes to tackle the human-caused climate crisis. In 2015, in the Paris Agreement we agreed to reduce climate change and its adverse effects. The effects of climate change poses a threat to people and nature.
Read more about Climate action.

SDG 17 – Partnerships for goals
International cooperation is needed to strengthen capacity and resources to implement the sustainable development agenda. Achieving the goals requires cohesive policies, a cooperative environment and forging new global partnerships.
Read more about Partnership for goals.
How does ISPT make the Dutch process industry more sustainable?
Our idea is that through open innovation companies can be more successful. Open innovation means that companies share practical experience and R&D ideas with each other – rather than just doing this alone or inhouse.
That is where we play our part: creating a trust-based environment that connects the parties involved and facilitate their sharing of expertise and know-how in joint projects. This gets development off to a flying start and accelerates feasible, innovative and sustainable solutions that will lead to full circularity by 2050.