The Hands-on-Tool Time Toolkit provides insight into the lost time and enables the improvement of workprocesses. This results in jobs done on time and happy operators.
Due to shortage of skilled technical staff, working more effectively with the people you have, is an interesting and important topic. The World Class Maintenance project Hands on Tool Time (HoTT) ensures the best possible use of current technical staff. This project resulted in a brand new, web-based HoTT Toolkit.
For HoTT measurements, Stork uses the Continuous Time Observation method (CTW), in which a work assignment or an employee is followed. All actions are recorded with their duration. In addition to pure measurement, the auditor gathers information about why certain activities are done. To perform these measurements quickly and efficiently, we use ATEX-suitable mobiles, with an app.
This app was developed in collaboration with WCM. The advantage of this app is that the losses are immediately visible, even during the measurements. In addition, we use the database and benchmark of this app for making reports and comparisons.
Hands on Tool Time (HoTT) Toolkit, consists of:
- A measuring method through a new app
- A training package
- An optional improvement program
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