HyChain 1: Assessment of future trends in industrial hydrogen demand and infrastructure

HyChain 1: Energy carriers and Hydrogen Supply Chain: Assessment of future trends in industrial hydrogen demand and infrastructure


HyChain 1 explores the possible future role of hydrogen in different end-use sectors in the Netherlands with a focus on industrial demand. Further, it considers competing energy carriers for decarbonization of various sectors and the subsequent system implications.

The main research question of this study is: What are the major tipping points influencing the shift from incremental change towards rapid growth in a hydrogen economy, across various sectors?

About HyChain

HyChain is part of our Hydrohub Innovation Program. Its mission is ‘Largescale electrolysis-based production of sustainable, low cost, hydrogen as a driver for circular industrial chains’. The HyChain research was carried out in 3 projects:

  • HyChain 1 – Assessment of future trends in industrial hydrogen demand and infrastructure
  • HyChain 2 – Cost implications of importing renewable electricity, hydrogen and hydrogen carriers in the Netherlands from a 2050 perspective
  • HyChain 3 – Technology Assessment

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