With our events we aim to inspire and energize you, so we can make the necessary steps to a sustainable industry.

ISPT event
ISPT Conference ’25 – Northern Netherlands edition
This year, the ISPT Conference proudly collaborates with Groningen Seaports, Province of Groningen and the Northern Industrial Cluster. A strong and competitive European industry starts with the independence of critical sectors such as energy,...

Transition to renewable feedstocks: space limitation and three future scenarios for the Roterdam Harbor Industrial Cluster (HIC)
The Tekenkamer van de Industrie (ISPT), Deltalinqs, and Quo Mare have published a scenario study on the transition from crude oil to renewable feedstocks.

Carbon feedstock transition of the petrochemical industry under spatial limitations
This report provides an analysis of the transition pathways for the Harbour Industrial Cluster (HIC) in Rotterdam, accounting for the effect of limited space and exploring the effect of global...

Public Summary – Carbon feedstock transition of the petrochemical industry under spatial limitations
Download the Public Summary of the scenario study.

Publiekssamenvatting – Koolstof grondstoftransitie van de petrochemische industrie binnen beperkte ruimte
Download hier de publiekssamenvatting van 'Een scenariostudie van de transitie van het Rotterdamse Haven Industrieel Cluster'

Don’t let waste go to waste
The current system for proving that waste has been recycled into a safe product is difficult to navigate and the requirements for the End-of-Waste status are not clear. How can...

External event
EFCE Spotlight Talks November 2024
During the EFCE Spotlight Talks, several specialists will share their insights on actual and highly relevant topics for our energy, material and food transitions.

Materialentransitie vraagt om nieuwe waardeketens
Het project TEXPOWER omvat een uniek consortium van bedrijven dat de hele waardeketen van polykatoen vertegenwoordigt. Samen zetten ze zich in voor een circulaire waardeketen.

Brusche Process Technology: “CO2 is not merely a waste material”
At Brusche Process Technology, they focus on techniques to capture and process CO2, converting it into an alternative carbon feedstock. As a father and engineer, Andy Roeloffzen is driven to...

Energie- en grondstoffentransitie gaan hand in hand
Wél duurzaam leven maar níet inboeten aan comfort. De Nederlandse procesindustrie kan hierin een hoofdrol vervullen door zich te richten op circulariteit, waarbij energie- en grondstoffentransitie hand in hand gaan.

Gouden kansen voor groene ammoniak
Hoe kan Nederland zich voorbereiden op de opkomst van groene ammoniak als ‘gamechanger’ in de energievoorziening van de toekomst?