
The future of Europe is made with industry


Over 1000 organizations have signed the Antwerp Declaration, calling for a European Industrial Deal to complement the Green Deal and keep high quality jobs for European workers in Europe. An Open Strategic Autonomy for a competitive and resilient EU is crucial for the transition of Europe in an ever-changing geopolitical landscape. It can however only be achieved if also basic and energy intensive industries remain and invest in Europe.

The Antwerp Declaration serves as a wake-up call to decision-makers in Europe, laying out a widely agreed framework of ten key points outlining the need to address high energy prices, establishing common European infrastructure, secure raw material supplies, foster a smarter innovation framework, and stimulate demand for sustainable products. The declaration also advocates for a robust investment framework for technologies and calls for leveraging the single market to ensure businesses remain in Europe. 

European Industrial Deal

Marco Mensink, Director General of Cefic, emphasised the urgency of the situation: “The future of Europe is made with industry. A common and holistic European approach for an Industrial Deal is essential. Today, 1000 organisations are united in their strong call for a European Industrial Deal to implement the Green Deal, ensure that industry remains globally competitive, and keep high quality jobs for European workers in Europe. We urge EU Leaders to include our call in the new EU Strategic Agenda and policies for the next five years and embed the Industrial Deal into the structure, budget, and fabric of the new European Commission”.

A crucial initiative

Tjeerd Jongsma, director ISPT, emphasizes: “ISPT has signed the Antwerp Declaration because we believe in the opportunities for a sustainable circular industry in Europe. By prioritizing innovation and sustainability today, we lay the groundwork for a healthier and more prosperous future for ourselves and generations to come. Endorsing this decalaration will accelerate the path to a green and circular industry, and it will foster employment opportunities, increase independence, and allow Europe to become a hub of innovation.

So keep the big industry in Europe and let them make the circular, climate-neutral transition here. Driving companies away from the Netherlands/Europe will only undermine and slow down innovation and transition. After all, they have the experts, knowledge and resources. Chapeau to CEFIC and Marco Mensink along with his team for taking this crucial initiative.”

Will you join us in supporting the Industrial Deal? Sign the declaration. 🖊️