We work hard on making the industry more sustainable. And we love to tell stories about it.
Dynamic Physical Simulation Models Lead to Improved Process Operations
The project IMPROVISE was finished in October. TU/e in collaboration with DSM, FC, Corbion have worked on model based operation technology based on detailed physical models and used it to...

Multi Radial Drying project kicks off
RMD is a new type of spray dryer which combines low Capex, low Opex, premium product properties and low specific energy consumption.

The implementation of solvent recovery in edible oil industry (ISRO)
The project ISRO aims to realize the proof-of-principle of OSN based solvent recovery.
COSMOS project to develop OSNF membranes on low cost ceramic supports is on its way
Currently about 25% of the energy in the process industry is used for (thermal) separation processes. The main method of separation used is distillation, which is a very energy-inefficient process....
Chemistry contributes to a circular Dutch Economy by 2050
Plans for a Dutch sustainable and circular economy by the year 2050 have been presented on Monday the 15th of January. The five action plans concern the sectors Biomass&food, Construction,...
Students come up with solution for pollution problem during Energy Innovation Talks
The Top Sector Energy challenges the new generation to develop innovative ideas about the energy transition with the Energy Innovation Talks (EIT). Recent months, 24 selected students and young professionals...
Steel industry can deliver the raw material for the chemical industry
Breaking research in ‘CORESYM’ report reveals potential for symbiosis between chemical and steel industries Key findings show re-use of waste gas from steel industry can lead to drastic reduction in European...
Water Innovation Prize 2017, ISPT projectleader nominated
Projectleader Albert Jansen of the EAP 20-09 project has been nominated for the waterinnovatieprijs 2017 with ‘Hemels Water’. You can vote for the innovationprize here.
A special day to recognise toptalent during the Granting and Graduation event
The strength of the combination student, industry and academia was palpable during the Granting & Graduation event on Wednesday the 15th of November in the Utrecht Railway museum. ISPT, COAST,...
Louise Vet and Tjeerd Jongsma about alternatives to CCS
A few weeks ago the new coalition agreement was presented. It describes a number of points about Carbon Capture and Storage. Trainee Eveline Winkel of Worldconnector spoke with Louise Vet,...

IEA recognises the importance of hydrogen and ammonia for future industry
Ammonia has many potential uses that can significantly contribute to the increase of sustainability within industry as well as society.
From Energy Intensive production to sustainability in the Industry
The Paris Climate accord with its high demands in reduction of carbon emissions asks a lot of the Dutch process industry. ‘’We will eventually need to move towards an industry...
Nuon, Statoil and Gasunie join forces using hydrogen in future CO2-free energy plants
ISPT has previously brought together various parties, one of them being Nuon, to do a feasibility study into the storage of electricity in Ammonia (NH3). Now Nuon, Gasunie and the...
Innovation Tuesday offers perspective on reduction of the CO2 footprint and energy costs in the industry
On the 23rd of June FME – in collaboration with the ISPT – organized an Innovation Tuesday about the cost reduction of production and integration of industrial high temperature water...
Industrial Agenda for 100% sustainable energy in 2030
On her 10th anniversary Urgenda published the report `Energy 100% Sustainable in the Netherlands by 2030`. The report outlines five areas in which things can be done differently: the built environment,...
Sustainable industry needs open dialogue
The industry – and especially the energy-intensive industry in the Netherlands – is innovative, competitive and internationally good at the sustainability ladder, witnessing the high scores of Dutch multinationals year...
On ZEMBLA: ISPT points out alternative for co-firing of biomass
Last night the television programme Zembla reported on co-firing of biomass in the Netherlands and questioned the Dutch Energy policy on this matter. View the footage here. ISPT director Tjeerd Jongsma...
Electrification in the process industry has potential that requires development
The Dutch industry can make a significant contribution to the climate goals of the Paris Agreement through electrification of its processes. This requires system and process innovation. In this respect,...
Power to Ammonia: From renewable energy to CO2-free ammonia as chemical feedstock and fuel
The Institute for Sustainable Process Technology (ISPT) and its partners in the Power to Ammonia (P2A) project have recently successfully concluded a feasibility study into the storage of renewable energy...
Topsector Energy publishes Innovation and Energy Magazine
This first edition includes a story about EEMBAR, the energy efficient membranes that make it possible for leading food producer, IOI Loders Croklaan, to annually reduce an amount of water...
Bringing promising heat pump technology to the market
Energy use in the industrial sector is dominated by the use of heat from fossil fuels, whilst a low-carbon economy requires a transition to more sustainable sources. This transition can...
Arcelor and Dow solve each others problem
Arcelor Mittal is looking for ways to reduce her CO2 emission, whilst neighboring Dow Benelux is searching for alternative resources for oil in her production processes. Their intented collaboration has...
Universities plead for ‘Technology Agreement’
The Netherlands should cement its ambition of becoming an international leader in technology through a ‘Technology Agreement’, much in the same way as sustainability has been cemented in the ‘Energy...
Machines: the engine oil of the Dutch economy
The Dutch export revolves around machines. Not the tulips, nor the cheese, nor natural gas, nor cannabis are the big moneymakers of the Dutch export industry. The export of machines...