Wednesday 18 November | 15:00-16:30
The NPS17 Water Webinar creates a platform for experts from various sectors and young process technology researchers. The webinar enables discussion about water management strategies, challenges, opportunities and provides an outlook on the production processes in the Netherlands and worldwide to ‘Sustain the Waters future’.

Water is our most valuable resource and its availability is getting scarce worldwide. Between 2010 and 2050 the need of fresh water will continue to rise globally, putting more pressure on water resources.
This could increasingly lead to the use of non-renewable or transboundary water resources, which is in particular getting more evident in big cities worldwide. Therefore, water management strategies are needed to assure that every human has and, also in the future, will have access to fresh drinking water. These strategies include reducing the use of fresh water in different sectors as well as developing and optimizing water treatment technologies.
Program NPS17 Water Webinar
15.00 – 15.05 | Introduction
The third NPS17 webinar will be hosted by John Harinck.

John Harinck
15.05 – 15.30 | Keynote lecture with Q&A

Cees Buisman
Wetsus/ Wageningen University & Research
15.30 – 15.55 | Panel discussion

Nora Sutton
Wageningen University & Research

Coos Wessels
Cellvation BV

Onno Kramer
Waternet/ TU Delft
16.00 – 16.30 | Networking
During this optional part of the webinar, the session will be divided into three breakout sessions in which one or more PhDs will present their research. Your expertise is valuable! So stick around, share your thoughts and maybe even your contact details!
Are you a PhD or postdoc and would like to present your research during the networking session? Register here.