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Netherlands Process Technology Symposium (NPS)

NPS17 Energy Webinar


Wednesday 4 November, 15.00-16.30

The NPS17 Webinar on Energy creates a platform for experts from various sectors and young process technology researchers to discuss the energy transition, challenges, opportunities and an outlook on the production processes in the Netherlands and worldwide to ‘Sustain the Energy Future’!

Event logo - NPS17

Energy keeps the world moving and is an integral part of our existence. Our long time and major dependency on fossil resources for energy are questioned in these times due to the faster decline of these resources, associated climate issues and increasing capacity of the renewable resources, among others. This makes the fossil-based resources loosing their position as a sustainable asset for energy on a long run.

There are various approaches such as switching to renewable and low carbon energy resources, improving the energy efficiency of current production processes and other energy consuming sectors, and mitigating the carbon emissions in the conversion and usage of energy to address this scenario.

In the Netherlands, the government announced their plan to gradually shut down various fossil-based facilities including coal-fired power plants and the Groningen natural gas field in near future. This poses challenges for a timely transition to a different picture of energy exploration, conversion and usage to meet the growing energy demands in the Netherlands.

Being the largest energy converter cum consumer, the process industries have a major role in addressing these challenges by improvising their state of the art technologies and by adopting the technology breakthrough in the renewable energy sector. New technological innovations are arriving faster than ever before and are supporting or competing with one another to win this race of providing safer, reliable and affordable energy.

Program NPS17 Energy webinar

15.00 – 15.05 | Introduction

This first NPS17 webinar will be introduced by Valeria Garbin (NPS17 Organizing Committee) and Annita Westenbroek (Moderator).

ISPT Team - Annita Westenbroek ©marc van der kort

Annita Westenbroek

Institute for Sustainable Process Technology (ISPT)

Valeria Garbin

TU/ Delft

15.05 – 15.30 | Keynote lecture with Q&A

Adrie Huesman

Shell, TU Delft

15.30 – 15.55 | Panel discussion

Simon Jager

Semiotic Labs

Tim Offermans

Radboud University Nijmegen

Niels Deen

TU Eindhoven

16.00 – 16.30 | Networking

During this optional part of the webinar, the session will be divided into three breakout sessions in which one or more PhDs will present their research. Your expertise is valuable! So stick around, share your thoughts and maybe even your contact details!