Registration is now open: Industry Innovators Award 2025
Do you have an award-winning idea to make the industry more sustainable? TKI Energie & Industrie challenges you as a SME entrepreneur to work on promising, innovative initiatives. And pitch...

ISPT, Groningen Seaports and Nothern Industrial Cluster collaborate in Conference’25.
This year the ISPT Conference proudly collaborates with Groningen Seaports and the Northern Industrial Cluster. A promising collaboration, as the 3 major transitions ISPT is working on come together in...

Online magazine materialentransitie
In dit online magazine vind je een selectie van artikelen en interviews die dieper ingaan op de grondstoffentransitie in de Nederlandse industrie.

Grondstoffentransitie: kansen zijn er, maar urgentie is geboden
Terugblik op gezamenlijke conferentie 2024 over de grondstoffentransitie, georganiseerd door het Institute for Sustainable Process Technology (ISPT) en het Havenbedrijf Rotterdam (HbR).

Column: Nederland in 2050 door de ogen van de volgende generatie
Stel je eens voor, een Nederland dat niet alleen bekend staat om zijn windmolens en tulpen, maar ook als een lichtend voorbeeld van duurzaamheid en innovatie.

Liveblog ’24
This year, the ISPT Conference proudly collaborated with the Port of Rotterdam (PoR), a promising co-production. Read the liveblog.

Europees achterland creëert kansen voor een circulaire industrie in Nederland
Dankzij onze geografische ligging hebben we in Nederland toegang tot grote hoeveelheden relatief goedkope, groene energie en kunnen wij 450 miljoen consumenten in het Europese achterland voorzien van circulaire producten

Participants Launch Pad Lane at the joint ISPT & Port of Rotterdam Conference ’24
To achieve the transition to a circular Europe diverse and groundbreaking solutions are necessary. These innovative approaches not only serve as a wellspring of inspiration but also emphasize the realm...

Registration is now open: Industry Innovators Award 2024
Do you have an award-winning idea to make the industry more sustainable? TKI Energie & Industrie challenges you as a SME entrepreneur to work on promising, innovative initiatives. And pitch...

ISPT and Port of Rotterdam join hands in Conference ’24
This year the ISPT Conference proudly collaborates with the Port of Rotterdam (PoR).

How to unravel the Gordian knot of sustainability?
During the themed session 'How to unravel the Gordian knot of the transition(s)' visitors explored different transition models.

ISPT Conference 2022: hoe financieren we de verduurzaming van de industrie?
Recap van de ISPT Conference 2022, waar we in gesprek gingen over de financiering van de energietransitie. Welke keuzes moeten we maken? Wie betaalt? En is er eigenlijk nog hoop...

Suncom Energy wins Industry Innovators Award 2022
During the ISPT Conference '22 the Industry Innovators Award was being held. Suncom Energy won both the hearts of the jury ánd the audience.

Liveblog ISPT Conference ’22
ISPT brengt op dinsdag 8 november 2022 live verslag uit vanaf de #ISPTConference22 in Amersfoort.

Line-up of speakers 2022
We proudly present our speakers of the ISPT Conference '22.

Registration is now open: Industry Innovators Award
Do you have an award-winning idea to make the industry more sustainable? Join the Industry Innovators Award 2022 from TKI Energie en Industrie!

Aftermovie 2021
At our ISPT Conference '21 we talked about the future, when sustainability goals will be reality. Jan Terlouw, former politician and writer of children books was our special guest.

A future oriented strategy in reducing CO2-emissions
During ISPT Conference '21 we talked a future oriented strategy in reducing CO2-emissions?

Moving away from fossil: technologically it is possible
David Pappie, from the Ministry of Economic Affairs during the ISPT Conference of '21 on the role of governments in the energy transition.

Martine Hoeksma: only collaboration can help the energy transition move forward
What do we need to build the energy transition? During the ISPT Conference '21 Martine Hoeksma (Shell) talked about how collaboration can help us move forward.

The Netherlands has what it takes to play a pioneering role
At the annual ISPT Conference 2021 bright minds engaged with each other over drinks, and talked about making Dutch industry fully sustainable.

Nature-inclusive and circular agriculture in the Netherlands
During the ISPT Conference in 2020 we discussed nature-inclusive and circular agriculture in the Netherlands.

Round table session on 100% renewable heat
How do we establish an industry where 100% renewable energy is reality? Watch this session from 2020.

What is the role of Dutch industry in the transition?
Driver of the transition, source of the problem or solution to the problem? Watch this session from 2020.