A future oriented strategy in reducing CO2-emissions

A future oriented strategy in reducing CO2-emissions


The topic of CO2-emissions and how to reduce those have become a daily notion at OCI Nitrogen, according to Gert Jan de Geus. When talking about the future during ISPT Conference ’21, it became evident that calculations and future perspectives on how to reduce of CO2 or how to electrify processes have become indispensable. This does not only apply to OCI Nitrogen, but it has become something every business in the industry has to deal with.  

Why OCI Nitrogen is working together with ISPT

The topics of Circularity, CO2 Reductions and Energy Transition are hard to grasps for companies on their own. “That’s why we work together with ISPT”, Gert Jan de Geus, from OCI Nitrogen, explains. ISPT brings together all actors of the industry, but also scientists, governments and knowledge institutions to work together on the upcoming challenges in the energy transition. ISPT believes in bringing partners together to share insights and exchange knowledge accelerates innovation.

“ISPT works together in the higher TRL-levels, so on technologies that are close to applications. Together with the consortia, we reach greater results than we could have possibly done on our own.”  

The transition to renewable energy 

An example can be found in our One-GigaWatt Green-Hydrogen Plant. In the energy system of the future, renewable electricity plays a key role and the key technology in this value chain is green hydrogen production via electrolysis. We need lots of green hydrogen for the industry to function and being able to reach its sustainability goals. The transition to renewable energy cannot be reached alone, we have to do it together. Every partner in the consortium brings in their own expertise. From technology providers to researches, small businesses or large corporations together we will reach the Climate Goals by 2050.

Watch the full video from the ISPT Conference 2021