Moving away from fossil: technologically it is possible

Moving away from fossil: technologically it is possible


Away from fossil fuels: technologically it is possible! But the challenge lies in keeping up the pace, ensuring that the preconditions are in place and consistent government policy. How does David Pappie – director of top sectors and industrial policy at the Ministry of Economic Affairs & Climate – see the government’s role in this?

Current challenges

The path to a circular energy model that is carbon neutral, is technologically possible. “It will cost a lot of money and investment, but it can be done,” said David Pappie at the 2021 ISPT Conference. The important thing right now, is to keep pace and continue to develop and innovate, he said. Yet, there are some barriers and challenges. For example how our current infrastructure is build and the scarcity of raw materials. “Do we have enough renewable electricity? And enough green hydrogen? If not, how are we going to provide for that?”

From a political perspective

The issue is thus very complex. From a political perspective, it is especially important to think long-term. We need a future-oriented strategy. The policy must be stable. In other words, we must make the choices now that will ensure that we are truly climate neutral by 2050. The government’s role is crucial.

Watch the short-interview with David Pappie at the ISPT Conference 2021