Nathan Bowden - Program Manager ISPT

Registration is now open: Industry Innovators Award


Do you have an award-winning idea to make the industry more sustainable? TKI Energie & Industrie challenges you as a SME entrepreneur to work on promising, innovative initiatives. And pitch it to a relevant audience. Sounds interesting? Join the Industry Innovators Award 2022 from TKI Energie & Industrie.

Are you working on a sustainable innovation with economic ánd social impact? We love to hear why your idea is a game changer!

What can you win?

Three nominees will be selected from all submissions. These 3 entrepreneurs are invited to pitch their innovation during the ISPT Conference on the 8th of November, 2022 in Amersfoort. The jury will select a winner and the audience will choose their favourite.

Both winners are rewarded with:

  • Free PR and media exposure (a.o. an interview with
  • A highly valuable workshop about financial support (by the Financieringsloket)
  • Exposure during the award presentation at the ISPT Conference 2022 where the mastermind of the industry will be present

Our special host: Nathan Bowden

The award presentation will be hosted by ISPT’s Nathan Bowden. Nathan works as a Program Manager in Industrial Fluids Processing. He is also in charge of our Process Technology Talent Program (PTTP) for HBO students and stimulates and develops several other learning community and human capital projects.

About the Industry Innovators Award

The Industry Innovators Award is a joint initiative between TKI Energie & Industrie, the Institute for Sustainable Process Technology, Plantics and FME.  

The expert jury consists of:

  • Sascha Kersten, Professor Sustainable Process Technology (University of Twente)
  • Hans van der Spek, Program Manager Energy, Sustainability and Circularity (FME)
  • Wridzer Bakker, director NL Guts and CEO Plantics BV

Pitch your sustainable innovation

We invite you to register your innovation before the 17th of October, 2022. Questions? Don’t hesitate to contact Nathan:

Industry Innovators Award