Circular Plastics Conference Program

Program ’24

Our annual Circular Plastics Conference gives you an opportunity for vivid exchanges, new insights and networking.

Program ’24 – Let’s Reflect and Act 

9:30 Registration & coffee ☕

10:00 – A warm welcome – Start plenary program
We kickstart the conference with an opening session that sets the stage for the parallel sessions. CPI Director, Ronald Korstanje, will welcome you and the event will be kicked off by three keynote sessions:

  • Cascading model for the future of plastics – By Jean Paul Lange (University of Twente)
  • Market needs into feedstock and process requirements – By Philip Knapen (Borealis)
  • Data-driven insights towards a viable business case – By Husam Taha (Wood Mackenzie)

11:25 – Roundtable discussion
A captivating table discussion with the speakers of the opening program complemented by key players and experts in the value chain of Circular Plastics.

  • Mark Schmets -Directorate Sustainable Industry at the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs & Climate.
  • Frans Beckers – Owner at FBBasic
  • Thor Thummers – External Affairs at Unilever

12:00 – Lunch

An interactive lunch session, focusing on the latest developments.

13:00 – Parallel sessions, part 1

The workshops are intended to inform, inspire and to provoke guided dialogues. We’ve created a set-up that is focussed around different value chains. Within each value chain, we will put the spotlights on the:

  1. User perspective. How to connect actors in a supply cycle to preserve materials and create (information) value? Actors: producers of base materials, components / semi-products, end-products, collectors, recyclers. How can the distinctive actors provide each other with adequate information to make sure that next-use feedstock is fit for the application and ultimately meets standardized quality requirements?
  2. Legal perspective, with respect to responsibility that producers bear for the products they put on the market. We will do so through the position of both the EU and the Dutch Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) organisations. EPR entails a combination of rules that ensure that companies that make products are also responsible for collecting and reusing the waste from those products.
  3. Analytical perspective, which bridges the gap between the producers’ quest and the EPR responsibility to reuse materials on one hand and the demand driven quality standards that are step-by-step used by producers on the other hand?

You can choose between:

  • Session 1 – Packaging value chain
    • Chris Bruijnes – Head of Knowledge Development at Verpact
    • Homer Genuino – Senior researcher at NTCP
    • Rob Verhagen – Sustainability Director at OPACKGROUP
  • Session 2 – Automotive value chain
    • Thorsten Friedrich – Coordinator of Innovations at Auto Recycling Nederland
    • More to be announced

14:30 – Short break

14:45 – Parallel sessions, part 2

You can choose between:

  • Session 3 – Textile value chain
    • Peter Koppert – Innovation and Sustainability manager at MODINT
    • Research Group Sustainable & Functional Textiles of Saxion – University of Applied Sciences – Speaker to be confirmed
  • Session 4 – Waste Electronics and Electronic Equipment value chain
    • Lein Tange – Director Sustainability at ICL Industrial Products
    • More to be announced

16:15 – Short break

16:30 – Wrap-up and summaries (plenary)

This final session of the Circular Plastics Conference 2024 will be started by Ronald Korstanje, who will give a compilation of the insights from each session, gathered throughout the day.

17:00 – 19:30 Walking dinner, drinks and networking

Stay updated on our LinkedIn-page where we share important updates about what’s in store for the Circular Plastics Conference 2024.