From Reflection to Action: addressing quality, value chains, and future needs
We briefly look back at CPC'24. What did we learn and what should we focus on to achieve a circular value chain for plastics?

Materialentransitie vraagt om nieuwe waardeketens
Het tempo waarmee de mensheid op dit moment grondstoffen aan de aarde onttrekt, zal in de nabije toekomst leiden tot serieuze tekorten. Het is daarom belangrijk om grondstoffen zo lang...

Wageningen University & Research ontdekt nieuwe manier veilig recyclen voedselverpakkingen
Onderzoekers van Wageningen University & Research (WUR) hebben in een recent onderzoek aangetoond dat het recyclen van voedselverpakkingen, zoals plastic melkflessen, zeer uitdagend is maar met specifieke sorteermethoden wel degelijk...

Speaker lineup CPC’24
We’re proud to introduce a remarkable lineup of speakers. These experts will guide our discussions and share their insights and expertise with us. Meet already some of them here. In addition...

Unique collaboration with TI Coast
Special to this year’s edition of CPC is the collaboration with TI COAST, the Top Institute for Comprehensive Analytical Science and Technology. This partnership enhances our focus on innovation in the...

Save the date: CPC ’24
The 4th Circular Plastics Conference 2024 will be held at the Jaarbeurs MeetUp on 26th of September.

Circular Plastics NL on accelerating circular plastics within the National Growthfund
Circular Plastics NL (CPNL) is an initiative within the National Growth Fund. The goal is to make plastics fully circular and use subsidies to accelerate the transition. During the Circular Plastics...

Liveblog CPC ’23
The Circular Plastics Initiative (CPI) is reported live from the #CPC23 in Utrecht on Wedneday, 14 June 2023.

Teijin Aramid: “We have been investigating recycling methods for 25 years”
Bert Gebben from Teijin Aramid explains motivations for joining the Circular Plastics Initiative and current circular plastic trends and efforts.

Technical Advisory Team to guide Circular Plastics Conference
Meet the Technical Advisory Team (TAT), consisting of leading experts from universities and industry in the field of circular plastics.

We have to get rid of plastic waste, without losing the societal benefits
Despite the growing awareness of the plastic waste problem, we cannot simply stop using plastic altogether as it serves a vital purpose in various industries.

Pathways to circular plastics: our 5 best articles
Our 5 best read articles on what is needed to make plastics fully circular, and more importantly: how to achieve that in the upcoming years.