ISPT is leading the way in industry focused solutions on sustainability. We initiate projects and match organisations to make their highly complex industrial processes more sustainable. We are independent, non-profit and based in the Netherlands.
What’s new at ISPT?
At the heart of our efforts are 3 major transitions.
They are crucial for a CO2-neutral, circular economy in 2050.
1. Energy transition
The use of sustainable electricity can significantly lower the CO2-footprint of the Dutch process industry. However, constructing the energy system of the future requires grid flexibility and a well-balanced energy mix of solar, wind, biomass, and green hydrogen.
2. Raw materials transition
Circularity is the cornerstone of a sustainable future. In a circular economy, resources are kept in use for as long as possible. Then, at the end of their service life, materials are recovered and regenerated. What is waste for one factory, might be a highly valuable resource for the other.
3. Agrifood transition
How to feed the world within the bounderies of the ecosystem? In order to do so, we need to redesign our food industry in a sustainable way, with process technology that helps us maximize nutritional values, has space for nature and builds a solid business case for our farmers.
ISPT develops sustainability programs in consultation with the industry.
And we put the right people around the table to implement them.
We begin by focusing on the industry’s needs and requirements. We carefully listen and subsequently organize your questions in thematically aligned programs, such as hydrogen, carbon, or heat.
Initiator of projects
Subsequently, we examine fragmented inquiries and partial solutions. Based on that, we bring the right people to the table, initiate a project, and seek funding for it. As such, each project centers around a shared issue.
Sharing results
The outcomes of each project are shared through public reports, whitepapers, interviews, events, and/or webinars, so that everyone can learn from them. Not just in the Netherlands, but anywhere in the world.
We join forces with 180+ partners
Just to mention a few: